

Photographer, hairdresser, restaurant, florist, guests... there are thousands of things that a wedding entails. So it is super important to delegate and trust your makeup artist, whoever she is.

A bride's service is always super special and personalized. Each bride is unique and has to be resplendent, not only on her wedding day, but from the moment she hires your services.

Each bride has a different personality and idea, so it is essential that you trust your professional makeup artist, since what every bride wants is to be shiny and for her makeup to last all day. The bride should never be dressed up, if not according to her tastes, so that she feels comfortable at all times and her natural beauty is enhanced.


The first thing I do once the bride hires my services is to conduct a short interview with her.

We have a coffee and talk about the idea she has, what her dress is like, her hairstyle, the location of the ceremony, the type of place where the food will be served, where she is going to dress, time of the wedding... and even the number of guests. guests who I will also do their makeup to keep time under control and even if the groom is going to perform some of the services.


Then we set a date to do the makeup test. This test is super important so that you don't improvise on the wedding day or that there are any unforeseen events or that any product gives you allergies.

I usually reserve a whole morning or afternoon with the bride, so come relaxed and we will create the perfect look for the wedding day.

What are you waiting for?

Book your appointment

So now I just have to say CONGRATULATIONS, Tell me what you want your dream wedding to be like and let's get to work!